
By dotFIT experts
Yes, and here is a complete list. More...
By dotFIT experts
on November 11, 2008
Children generally need more nutrient-dense foods in their diets due to the fact that they tend to consume smaller amounts of food at meals. Children who do not receive proper levels of all nutrients do not have the full potential to develop and function optimally. More...
By dotFIT experts
on November 06, 2008
Based on the fact that there is very little data on the use of creatine supplements for youth athletes, and for ethical reasons there probably never will be, most professionals (including the dotFIT Research & Development team) recommend that the athlete wait until they have completed puberty or reach the age of 18 before using any potential performance enhancing supplement. More...
By dotFIT experts
on November 17, 2008
It depends on how you define “supplement”, but meal timing, composition and use of healthy “food style” training formulas (e.g. shake mixes, sports bars, etc.) are appropriate and important to any athlete’s success. More...
1300mgs/day. The teenage years represent a critical period for bone mineral accrual with rapid gains occurring until age 16. If one More...

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